Oh god!! It STINKS in here!
Everything you ever wanted to know about JR
Images, Graphics & whatever else I see that's neat.
Cigars I've enjoyed.
Links to places that you probably don't care about, but JR does.
MP3 Files that keep JR entertained while he works.
Places you should seriously consider telneting to.
JR has no idea where this button will take you...yet...
Feeling daring?  This is where JR puts stuff that he's working on. CAUTION: BROKEN LINKS, HUGE PICTURES & SCREWY CGI/JAVA/A-X
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  MmmmmMmmmm good, Partagas 1845
Partagas - My personal favorite.
H. Upmann - Tasty little bastards
A. Fuente - Hot, thick, and yummy.
Hoyo de Monterrey - Oh so good.
Onyx - Easy draw, nice taste.
Oliveros - I had two different types, the smaller of which was sweetend. Both very good.
Fonseca - Easy draw, light smoke and wrap.
Baccarat - Sweetend tip, short & thick.
Juan Clemente
La Tradicion Cubana